Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What Are The Benefits Of Healthcare Reform

It seems that a lot of people who were against healthcare reform have had to at least look at the benefits that not only the people who it was created to empower are getting but for others as well.

It was last year that the President sign this bill into law. The Affordable Healthcare Act is easily one of the most important pieces of legislation to come out of Washington in a very long time. The earth did not come to a screeching halt and everything still works as well or as poorly as it always did.

With the new act in place insurance companies are being held accountable for its implementation. Small Business is getting the tax breaks just as it was promised. These breaks are to insure that they are able to provide adequate health care for employees. Medicare premiums are going down. There is more to come. Phase two is just about to begin.

A lot of the provisions in the ACT are aimed at keeping medicines and doctors from pricing out of service for the majority of Americans. The Healthcare system in America had become one that was quickly going into a realm that would make certain that only those who had lots of money would receive medical treatment. The ones who fought against the reform the most were people who are squarely in the pockets of the big pharmaceutical and insurance companies.

All across Europe there are healthcare systems that are not driven by financial gain. These are the models that have given rise to our healthcare reform. Another provision that is of great benefit to the American people as a whole is the move toward providing free preventative care. This should reduce the cost of treating later stage diseases by catching them early.

The misinformation that is being strewn about to alarm everyone is just a smoke screen to keep you from seeing the truth. This plan may not be the best, only time will truly tell but it is a step in the right direction. If the masses would put their hysterics on hold for one moment and actually read the provisions they may come to see it as the cure not the disease.

Below is a list of some of the general provisions and how they affect you.

Choices – no longer will our PPO or HMO hold us hostage. Keeping a plan will be entirely up to the individual.

More reasonable limits – a lot of insurance companies have such things as limits to how mush you can spend during the life of the policy to treat a certain ailment. This is absurd. And the new reforms will put an end to it.

No more cancellations – those honest little mistakes or lapses of memory, like getting stuck with a nail when you were three, will no longer be just cause to cancel a policy. This has been used so much to cancel policies to keep from paying off legitimate claims it is heart breaking.

Lower premiums – premiums will no longer be based on your health but on your age bracket. They can no longer exclude pre-existing conditions either.

Next, find out more about benefits of the health care reform in the best specialized website available on such delicate topic.

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