Tony Robbins (Anthony Robbins), one of the world's leading performance coaches and motivational speakers has recently warned about the risk of dollar devaluation and spoke about the opportunities in gold which is "exploding" and "is in a bull market".
At Robbins, recent event in London (May 18th to 21st), he spoke about the importance of getting good financial advice from the people who predicted this crisis and have made money for their clients in recent years.
He spoke about investment experts who he respects and specifically mentioned Marc Faber and Kyle Bass.
Robbins is one of most positive and optimistic people in the world. Nevertheless, he recently produced a YouTube video warning of an impending economic collapse.
Faber and Bass are extremely bearish on paper currencies and government debt and are very bullish on gold and silver bullion due to the euro zone debt crisis and looming global debt crisis due to the appalling fiscal state of Japan, the UK and the US.
Dr. Marc Faber is a Swiss financier who predicted the Wall Street Crash in 1987. He is the editor and publisher of the “Gloom, Boom & Doom Report,” author of many books including the best selling 'Tomorrow's Gold: Asia's Age of Discovery'.
Faber advised investors to buy gold in 2001 and he is still extremely bullish on gold and silver and believes that gold will rise in all economic circumstances - a global inflationary economic boom, stagflationary environment or even in a global deflationary recession or Depression.
Kyle Bass is the erudite Texan investor who saw the financial crisis coming and made a fortune in the sub-prime collapse - first from America's sub-prime mortgage crisis and then from betting that Greece would default. Now he’s positioned and ready for the collapse of entire countries, having bought credit default swaps on Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal and, interestingly, Switzerland.
Robbins shares the concerns of Faber and Bass regarding sovereign defaults and Robbins is very concerned about the risks of a US debt crisis and the risks that it poses to the US dollar.
A recent video 'The National Debt and Federal Budget Deficit Deconstructed' by Robbins is well worth a watch:
Gold and indeed those who own it are often accused of being 'barbaric', 'uncivilised' and 'bugs.'
Indeed, there is often a suggestion that those who own gold are negative ‘doom and gloom merchants’ who hope that the world financial and monetary system will collapse so that their gold holdings will surge in value and they will be 'rich as Croesus.'
Anthony Robbins and indeed most who are positive about and advise owning gold very much contradict this silly view. Indeed, many of them have been warning about these fiscal challenges for years in an effort to protect family, friends, clients and the public.
The majority of people who buy gold are rational economic people who realise that there is macroeconomic, geopolitical, monetary and systemic risk in the world and they buy gold as a store of value.
They buy gold as they simply wish to protect themselves and their families from these risks by owning the financial insurance that is gold.
Robbins has a massive following internationally – especially amongst business owners but also in the sporting, media, music and entertainment industries and his endorsement of the importance of owning gold is significant.
ative ‘doom and gloom merchants’ who hope that the world financial and monetary system will collapse so that their gold holdings will surge in value and they will be 'rich as Croesus.'
Anthony Robbins and indeed most who are positive about and advise owning gold very much contradict this silly view. Indeed, many of them have been warning about these fiscal challenges for years in an effort to protect family, friends, clients and the public.
The majority of people who buy gold are rational economic people who realise that there is macroeconomic, geopolitical, monetary and systemic risk in the world and they buy gold as a store of value.
They buy gold as they simply wish to protect themselves and their families from these risks by owning the financial insurance that is gold.
Robbins has a massive following internationally – especially amongst business owners but also in the sporting, media, music and entertainment industries and his endorsement of the importance of owning gold is significant.
*Post courtesy of Mark O'Byrne at GoldCore. His daily ‘Market Updates’ are quoted and reported on in the international financial press on a daily basis. Read more at Gold Core.
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