Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Good Investment For You May Not Suit Everyone

What is a good investment for you as a individual. Individual investors have to carefully examine, as best they can, present circumstances and likely future events. A pretty tall order these days when there is a lot of volatility in the market.

At one time individual countries tended to have their own ups and downs but now the global markets can affect many investments as has been witnessed with the the knock-on effect pretty much worldwide following the US housing crisis. Needs change with time and a sharp eye should to be kept on existing investments.

Here are a few consideration. Do you need capital growth, income or both and when? How worried are you about risk. Some people can shrug off manageable losses and others can’t. This could determine what type of investment you decide on.

Do you need a long or a short term gain and how convenient does it need to be. Investment property for example, even well managed by experts normally requires input at some stage by the owner and often additional capital for maintenance.

Depending on where you are, you may need to take considerable advice regarding planning to mitigate tax on your death if you want to leave to beneficiaries. This can be especially true if you have had the pleasure of investing in antiques or collectibles and you are anxious that they are not sold on your death. Perhaps you would prefer an investment that is also a hobby, collectibles such as stamps can be extremely enjoyable and profitable.

Many years ago when I worked for a merchant bank subsidiary I sometimes found that an annuity payable until death, whilst a good investment was not chosen as an income stream because the potential investor wanted to preserve income for their family or favorite charity when they died.

The family home is not subject to tax in some countries and many people choose to use it as a main source of capital investment. The danger here can be one of optimism in a rising housing market. This can be dangerous if heavy borrowing has occurred. In retirement a family home can also become too big an upkeep physically and financially.

Always worth investigating is gold and silver if you do not need immediate income. In the long term they have out performed many other investment vehicles.

As with all good investments it is vital to research, research and do more research. Talk to as many experts as you can and look at their past history before entrusting your money to them.

Norma Kirkland invites you to find more useful information at If you require further information please drop an email once there.

You may also care to call in to too and email support for Del (Deree) Reid currently held in Kenya for almost two years on false charges after saving a female from a vicious attack whilst on holiday. Thank you.

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