Sunday, October 7, 2012

2 Minutes of Hate: Citigroup, AstraZeneca, and MF Global

It's "2 Minutes of Hate," the bonus edition! Alison Southwick and Dayana Yochim invite themselves into Wall Street's C-Suites, where they find executives popping champagne corks right into shareholders' eyes. There's Citigroup's (NYSE: C  ) "$1 CEO" leapfrogging into a new tax bracket, AstraZeneca's (NYSE: AZN  ) leader losing sleep (and little else) over pink slips, and lastly, the debate over bonus payouts for MF Global (OTC: MFGLQ) executives. (Just typing that last part is enough to raise any investor's ire.)

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The financial heavies are getting a lot of press these days. And much of it is negative. But there's one small bank that's flying under the radar. It has some of the best operational numbers you'll ever see. The Motley Fool featured it in its brand-new free report: "The Stocks Only the Smartest Investors Are Buying." We invite you to download a free copy. To find out the name of the bank Warren Buffett would probably be interested in if he could still invest in small banks, just click here.

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