Sunday, March 31, 2019

Brexit: EU Control The Outcome

&l;p&g;&l;img class=&q;dam-image getty size-large wp-image-1137343314&q; src=&q;; data-height=&q;515&q; data-width=&q;960&q;&g; (photo credit: Getty)

It is now the situation that the outcome of Brexit is down to the EU.

These are the five options:

&l;strong&g;1. Revoke article 50&l;/strong&g;

This kills Brexit, once revoked it would never be reissued. On the surface at least, the EU can&a;rsquo;t say no to that. This would utterly humiliate the U.K. and remove any leverage on negotiations about the future of the EU, beyond the U.K. being 10% of the population of the EU and a reasonable sized region of Europe.

&l;strong&g;2. A second referendum&l;/strong&g;

This has been voted off the option list by the British parliament but if it was to be revived, the EU would have to agree to an extension and if it didn&a;rsquo;t, a hard Brexit would most likely follow, unless the twice rejected deal was suddenly signed off on. At this point it would be down to the EU whether a second referendum was callable.

&l;strong&g;3. Sign the pre-negotiated EU exit deal

&l;/strong&g;This is a slam dunk but the British representatives, the MPs (members of Parliament) have already turned that down twice. It would be frankly weird if they agreed to it third time around. It&a;rsquo;s not impossible but highly unlikely. This would place the U.K. into a kind of EU limbo. The U.K. would get lots of benefits but would be in many minds half in and half out of the EU and with no voice in future decisions.

The U.K. would be half ruled but unrepresented by the EU. It would leave the U.K. able to detach further or move closer, but the Remainers hate the option as much as the Brexiters. That joint loathing should be a good pointer that it&a;rsquo;s the right deal, but Parliament isn&a;rsquo;t having it and are unlikely to change their tune.

&l;strong&g;4. A hard Brexit&l;/strong&g;

The U.K. would be like any other country outside of the U.K. block but so much of the U.K. economy is hardwired to be inside that the trauma of a breach is too much for most to countenance. The Remainers don&a;rsquo;t want any Brexit, let alone a violent rupture, and even many Brexiters don&a;rsquo;t want to end up in the cold outside the high wall of the richest economic zone in the global economy. However, many voters don&a;rsquo;t care what kind of Brexit they get, they just want out, but the key thing is, Europe can inflict this on the U.K. unless article 50 is revoked. Without revoking article 50, the U.K. can fall out of the EU and at the moment it has till April 12 to do just that if it can&s;t sign off on the current deal.

&l;strong&g;5. Parliament build a deal they can sign up for and present it to the EU&l;/strong&g;

Would the EU play ball? Very probably not. You can bet that all parties since the beginning of the process, including David Cameron&a;rsquo;s failed attempt to do a better deal with the EU for staying in the U.K., have tried all possible angles. The EU have simply said, &a;ldquo;no.&a;rdquo; The EU have made it crystal clear the current unpalatable deal won&a;rsquo;t be reopened. Unless the proposed deal was worse for the U.K., it&a;rsquo;s hard to imagine them agreeing a different one now. The EU has stated it has finished preparation for a hard Brexit; that implies they consider that a bigger probability than the U.K. does, but no one in the U.K. appears to be listening. In many U.K. minds, it is still the case that the continent will be cut off from the U.K., not the other way around.

So the outcome seems to be very likely to be &a;lsquo;Dead Brexit&a;rsquo; or &a;lsquo;Hard Brexit.&a;rsquo; Make no mistake, the vast majority of MPs want a dead Brexit and while they are trying to put the blame anywhere but on themselves of killing Brexit, they may run out of time and end up with a hard Brexit.

A hard Brexit is deemed by the betting markets as very unlikely, but sometimes it&a;rsquo;s the worse outcome that is the most likely, simply because the situation is so toxic.

A toxic outcome is possible for these 5 reasons:

&l;/p&g;&l;ol&g;&l;li&g;Nailing the U.K. via a hard Brexit will send a message to all the populations of the fiddly little awkward countries in the EU that leaving the EU would be economic suicide, and demonstrate to their politicians that the process is political suicide. The latter is already clear, the former is yet to be underlined.&l;/li&g;

&l;li&g;The U.K. politicians will find it easy to blame other politicians for the hard Brexit outcome and will be able to blame the EU for being beastly.&l;/li&g;

&l;li&g;Without the U.K. in the EU, Europe will be able to move ahead towards super-state status, the logical destiny of Europe, which the U.K. has been sabotaging the whole time.&l;/li&g;

&l;li&g;The EU will take over the U.K.&a;rsquo;s position as Europe&a;rsquo;s financial center and get a boost from all those companies using the U.K. as an English-speaking platform for the EU. That will amount to a significant GDP boost, something needed in most of the EU.&l;/li&g;

&l;li&g;The U.K. has demonstrably 50% of its people against being in the EU, not a recipe for harmony as the EU continues to develop into a closer political and economic block.&l;/li&g;


It&a;rsquo;s easy to say anything could happen and it really could but Brexit or No-Exit are going to be the high probability outcomes and they will be on the EU&a;rsquo;s terms not the U.K.&a;rsquo;s.

The EU is likely to prove that like Hotel California, once you enter you can never leave. Even if the U.K. does, then it will be the only country that ever will and it will pay for its independence with a long period of hard times.

It is no wonder so many British people want to remain under the umbrella of the EU, when their local regional government, that of the British parliament in Westminster, is so utterly hopeless and weak.

If the betting is to be believed the U.K. is heading for a soft Brexit but only a bizarre set of turns of events will bring that to pass.

&l;em&g;Clem Chambers is the CEO of private investors web site&l;/em&g;&l;span&g;&l;em&g;&a;nbsp;&l;/em&g;&l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;em&g;;/em&g;&l;/a&g;&l;em&g; and author of &l;/em&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;Be Rich&l;/a&g;&l;em&g;, &l;/em&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;em&g;The Game in Wall Street&l;/em&g;&l;/a&g;&l;em&g; and&l;/em&g; &l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;em&g;Trading Cryptocurrencies: A Beginner&a;rsquo;s Guide&l;/em&g;&l;/a&g;&l;em&g;.&l;/em&g;

In 2018, Chambers won Journalist of the Year in the Business Market Commentary category in the State Street U.K. Institutional Press Awards.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

12 Leading Investors Explain Why They're Funding Sextech

&l;p&g;&l;img class=&q;size-large wp-image-62&q; src=&q;; alt=&q;&q; data-height=&q;800&q; data-width=&q;1200&q;&g; 12 Investors Explain Why They&s;re Funding Sextech

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;For some, it&a;rsquo;s personal. For others, it&a;rsquo;s political. But the one motivation that drives nearly every sextech VC is the exploding market in sexual wellness.&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Much of the coverage of sextech has focused on the founders and their products. But given the funding issues faced by sextech companies, a more important issue might be the motivation of the investors themselves.&l;span class=&q;tweet_icon&q;&g;&l;/span&g; Because whether its vibrator design or contraceptive delivery or educational platforms, no sextech company can change the world without funding.&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Some sextech pioneers, like &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;MakeLoveNotPorn&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;rsquo;s Cindy Gallop, are lucky enough to have&a;nbsp;&l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;a single investor&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g; who believes in &a;mdash; and helps fund &a;mdash; her company. For sextech companies raising outside funding, it&a;rsquo;s still a big deal to be backed by major VC funds. (Recently, app-based audio erotica platform &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Dipsea&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g; raised $5.5M in a competitive funding round, a hopeful harbinger of what we&a;rsquo;ll start to see in this space.) &a;nbsp;&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;So I asked nearly a dozen prominent investors in sextech &a;mdash; some of whom have invested in &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;,* and others who have invested in companies like &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Maude&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;, &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Unbound&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;, &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Elvie&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;, and &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Juicebox&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g; &a;mdash; the central question: Why are you investing in sextech?&l;span class=&q;tweet_icon&q;&g;&l;/span&g; &l;/span&g;

&l;b&g;&a;lsquo;Overlooked&a;rsquo; and &a;lsquo;Ignored&a;rsquo;&l;/b&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Many cited the promise of a surprisingly untapped market &a;mdash; women.&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;You can tell that this market is growing by the unicorn status of companies like Rent the Runway and Glossier,&a;rdquo; venture capital investor Monique Woodard told me. &a;ldquo;But so far women&a;rsquo;s health, women&a;rsquo;s sexuality, and women&a;rsquo;s products have been ignored. Given the demographic shifts that are underway right now, a women&a;rsquo;s health company that also has a lens into women of color will be even more important.&a;rdquo; &l;/span&g;

&l;img class=&q;wp-image-69 size-full&q; src=&q;; alt=&q;&q; data-height=&q;720&q; data-width=&q;960&q;&g; &q;Given the demographic shifts that are underway right now, a women&a;rsquo;s health company that also has a lens into women of color will be even more important.&q; &a;mdash; Monique Woodard

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;There is a huge business opportunity in sextech,&a;rdquo; says Christie Pitts, partner at &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Backstage Capital&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;, a VC fund dedicated to funding people of color, women, and other &a;ldquo;underestimated&a;rdquo; founders. &a;ldquo;Women control nearly all of the purchasing decisions and the majority of the wealth in the US, yet have been overlooked when it comes to products and solutions dedicated to their pleasure.&a;rdquo;&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Lina Wenner, principal at &l;/span&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;firstminute Capital&l;/a&g;,&a;nbsp;&l;/span&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;a $100M UK-based seed fund backed by 30 unicorn founders, sees that trend only growing.&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;We&a;rsquo;re particularly excited by the younger, more sexually liberated Gen Z gaining share of wallet and opening up the conversation around ,&a;rdquo; she says. &a;ldquo;Over the next few years, we&a;rsquo;ll continue to see an increasing democratization and growing social acceptance of &a;mdash; particularly female&a;nbsp;&a;mdash; sexual pleasure. If we can speed this up by investing into the right teams, that would be a great outcome for us.&a;rdquo; &l;/span&g;

&l;b&g;&a;lsquo;A Huge Part of Our Lives&a;rsquo;&l;/b&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;The current cultural climate has created a window to shake up this moth-eaten market with new, innovative thinking and design,&a;rdquo; says &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;XFactor Ventures&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g; partner Aubrie Pagano, pointing me to a &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Medium post&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g; she wrote upon backing the sexual wellness company, Maude, in 2018. The real excitement for her? 10% YOY growth in a market that&a;rsquo;s barely explored anyone but young cis males.&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Pagano isn&a;rsquo;t the only one drawn in by the potential to remake a long-stagnant industry. Changes in technology have made it easier for products to get to prototype, and crowdfunding is allowing founders with a little money and a strong idea to get to market. &l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;Sex toys in general are really interesting,&a;rdquo; says Cyan Banister, an angel investor and partner in &l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;Founders Fund&l;/a&g;. &a;ldquo;There are lots of people innovating on form and function of these products, especially women entrepreneurs. Previous to companies like &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;JimmyJane&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;, there weren&s;t a lot of products that were geared towards innovation of materials. &a;hellip; And, it&a;rsquo;s becoming less of an issue. The fact that you can get a Trojan finger vibrator at Walgreens or Walmart means that it&a;rsquo;s becoming a little less stigmatized, which makes me very hopeful for the future.&a;rdquo; &l;/span&g;

&l;img class=&q;wp-image-65 size-full&q; src=&q;; alt=&q;&q; data-height=&q;600&q; data-width=&q;900&q;&g; &q;&a;nbsp;such a huge, important part of our life. We should embrace it, and it has to be fun.&a;rdquo; - Elomida Visviki&l;b&g;&s;A Moral Imperative&s;&l;/b&g;

Elomida Visviki and husband Lars Rasmussen, co-founder of the company that became Google Maps, find the reticence to discuss sex in the US &a;mdash; and by extension Silicon Valley &a;mdash; unnerving, and a bit silly. (During their first pitch meeting with me, Visviki breastfed their child.)

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;It&a;rsquo;s been an undervalued, &a;lsquo;shady&a;rsquo; category,&a;rdquo; says Visviki, who grew up in Greece, &a;ldquo;but it&a;rsquo;s such a huge, important part of our life. We should embrace it, and it has to be fun.&a;rdquo;&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;When I was in college I volunteered at the local kindergarten, and was the kids&a;rsquo; favorite subject,&a;rdquo; says Rasmussen, who was raised in Denmark. &a;ldquo;Now I live in a country that if you suggested that kids learn about sex and pleasure in kindergarten, it would not be OK. I want to be part of changing that. &a;hellip; Despite the hangups about sex, everyone loves it and everyone is interested. It&a;rsquo;s just a matter of time before someone breaks through.&a;rdquo;&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Gerda Larsson, co-founder and managing director at &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;The Case for Her&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;, a European fund which invests in women&a;rsquo;s health, says she sees huge opportunities in markets like sex education and fertility. But to truly realize that potential, investors simultaneously tackle stigma. &l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;Why can I see Viagra ads everywhere,&a;rdquo; she asks, &a;ldquo;but you&s;re not allowed to advertise sexual products for women? Why is my sexuality shamed and framed as unnatural?&a;rdquo; &l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Larsson says she invests in sextech as a strategy to close the gender gap &a;mdash; The Case for Her launched its Pleasure Portfolio in 2018: &l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;We started investing in sextech after identifying it as one of the solutions that could tackle the global taboo surrounding sex and female sexual pleasure. Tech gives people the opportunity to explore, nurture and innovate around pleasure and what that means to you.&a;rdquo; &l;/span&g;

&l;img class=&q;size-large wp-image-75&q; src=&q;; alt=&q;&q; data-height=&q;960&q; data-width=&q;1200&q;&g; &q;Over the next few years, we&a;rsquo;ll continue to see an increasing democratization and growing social acceptance of &a;mdash; particularly female &a;mdash; sexual pleasure.&q; -Lina Wenner

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;Sexuality is part of wellness,&a;rdquo; says angel investor Laura Behrens Wu. &a;ldquo;My investment in sextech shouldn&a;rsquo;t be viewed any differently than investments in other types of healthcare , &a;nbsp;like &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Headspace&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g; or &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Calm&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g; &a;nbsp;&a;mdash; and that&a;rsquo;s a huge, established market. Investors who insist on segmenting out one aspect of our bodies, just because it makes some people uncomfortable, may regret it in five years.&a;rdquo;&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Courtney Broadus, a member of &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Broadway Angels&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;, &l;/span&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;an all-female investment group world-class angel investors, &l;/span&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;sees investment in sextech as a moral imperative. &a;ldquo;Youth, teens and beyond have access to scientific information about consent and healthy, safe and enjoyable sex.&a;rdquo;&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;Sexual health and wellness are still taboo in so much of our culture,&a;rdquo; says Alison Hartman, Ph.D, an angel investor in New Orleans. &a;ldquo;I love that Juicebox democratizes access to experts on sex and relationships.&a;rdquo;&l;/span&g;

For Jake Gibson, an angel investor and co-founder of NerdWallet, the educational aspect of sextech can offer an antidote the bullying, misinformation and shame that now seems to saturate online life.

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;When the internet started, it was a place for all freaks and geeks,&a;rdquo; he told me. &a;ldquo;As the internet grew and evolved, it has gotten toxic, exactly like the places you had to run away from before. That&a;rsquo;s why I invested in &a;mdash; because safe places are important.&a;rdquo;&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;Pioneering investors have begun the process, but the market is imbalanced. Once institutional investors come in, we may finally unlock the sector&a;rsquo;s true potential. &l;/span&g;

&l;b&g;&a;lsquo;Entrepreneurs Are Standing Ready&a;rsquo;&l;/b&g;

&l;img class=&q;size-full wp-image-64&q; src=&q;; alt=&q;&q; data-height=&q;562&q; data-width=&q;1000&q;&g; &q;&l;span&g;The fact that you can get a Trojan finger vibrator at Walgreens or Walmart means that it&a;rsquo;s becoming a little less stigmatized, which makes me very hopeful for the future&l;/span&g;.&q; - Cyan Banister

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;It&a;rsquo;s a growing industry and the entrepreneurs are standing ready to go,&a;rdquo; says Larsson. &a;ldquo;Now we need more investors and pioneers from the finance sector to take on the subject and start realizing the potential both from the rights perspective and as an investment case.&a;rdquo;&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;Sextech is underserved because a lot of people that do not see the exit opportunities, and they don&a;rsquo;t understand the space&a;nbsp;&a;mdash; or they have vice clauses in their LP agreements that keep them from investing in the space,&a;rdquo; says Banister. &a;ldquo;I try to identify companies that I believe that aren&a;rsquo;t so &a;ldquo;risky&a;rdquo; they can&a;rsquo;t fit, but can be mainstream &a;mdash; but also moving the needle to what people think can be a VC-type investment. It&a;rsquo;s the mission&l;em&g; and&l;/em&g; the outsize return opportunity. &l;/span&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;rdquo;&l;/span&g;

&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;&a;ldquo;I think it&s;s time we provide something relevant to the market,&a;rdquo; says Sophia Bendz, an angel investor and &l;/span&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;partner at Atomico&l;/span&g;&l;/a&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;, one of the most respected institutional VC funds in Europe, with a $765M fourth fund. &a;ldquo;I like the idea of a sextech company being founded by women and targeting the needs of women in a more ambitious way and not having someone else dictating the rules &a;hellip; I believe it has a huge potential.&a;rdquo; &l;/span&g;

&l;i&g;&l;span style=&q;font-weight: 400&q;&g;*Disclosure: Banister, Behrens Wu, Bendz, Broadus, Gibson, Pitts, Rasmussen, Visviki, Wenner and Woodard have all been invested in, either personally or through their funds.&l;/span&g;&l;/i&g;&l;/p&g;

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Top Casino Stocks To Buy For 2019


Wynn Resorts, Limited (NASDAQ:WYNN) was hit with a casino heist overseas that set it back $6 million.

Source: Aurlmas via Flickr (Modified)

The theft took place on Tuesday at the Wynn Macau, one of the most popular gambling spots in a Chinese territory that sees more action and rakes in more revenue than Wynn locations in Las Vegas.

Top Casino Stocks To Buy For 2019: Cellectis S.A.(CLLS)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    Shares of Cellectis SA (NASDAQ:CLLS) have earned an average recommendation of “Hold” from the nine research firms that are presently covering the company, Marketbeat reports. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a sell recommendation, three have assigned a hold recommendation and five have assigned a buy recommendation to the company. The average 1-year price objective among brokerages that have covered the stock in the last year is $42.00.

  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    Media headlines about Cellectis (NASDAQ:CLLS) have trended somewhat positive this week, according to Accern Sentiment Analysis. Accern scores the sentiment of press coverage by analyzing more than twenty million blog and news sources in real time. Accern ranks coverage of companies on a scale of negative one to positive one, with scores nearest to one being the most favorable. Cellectis earned a media sentiment score of 0.19 on Accern’s scale. Accern also assigned media stories about the biotechnology company an impact score of 47.0875412676142 out of 100, meaning that recent press coverage is somewhat unlikely to have an impact on the stock’s share price in the near future.

Top Casino Stocks To Buy For 2019: (LGEAF)

Advisors' Opinion:

    Coherent's ELA deposition technology for LTPS backplane isn't used in OLED TVs, where LG (OTC:LGEAF) uses metal oxide backpanes. There was some worry by analysts whether that technology could migrate to the smartphone panel market which CEO Ambroseo could not dispel entirely, but he argued that it has not been demonstrated suitable for handsets or battery-powered devices at this point.

Top Casino Stocks To Buy For 2019: TAL International Group Inc.(TAL)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Shane Hupp]

    TAL Education Group (NYSE:TAL)’s share price gapped up before the market opened on Friday . The stock had previously closed at $25.12, but opened at $26.04. TAL Education Group shares last traded at $26.98, with a volume of 10211680 shares changing hands.

  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    Trilogy Global Advisors LP cut its stake in TAL Education (NYSE:TAL) by 57.2% in the 1st quarter, according to the company in its most recent disclosure with the SEC. The institutional investor owned 94,705 shares of the company’s stock after selling 126,580 shares during the quarter. Trilogy Global Advisors LP’s holdings in TAL Education were worth $3,513,000 at the end of the most recent quarter.

  • [By Money Morning Staff Reports]

    We've tested our system going back five years, and it's shown the power to unlock opportunities like TAL Education Group (NYSE: TAL), which has returned gains of 2,573% over the last five years.

Top Casino Stocks To Buy For 2019: Shaw Communications Inc.(SJR)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Garrett Baldwin]

    The price of Bitcoin surged more than 17% to top $8,000 in a rapid move that surprised many investors this morning. The sudden rally appears to be the result of a short squeeze, according to CNBC contributor Brian Kelly. This means that investors who had been betting on a decline in the price of the world's largest cryptocurrency had been forced to jump back and buy the currency again. A lot of people have been betting on a decline in the price of Bitcoin heading toward the April 17 tax deadline. The expectation is that many people will need to sell their Bitcoin in order to raise cash to meet tax obligations. Here's our latest daily insight on why the Bitcoin bear market may end very soon. Markets gains have been capped by concerns about the latest news out of the Federal Reserve. On Wednesday, minutes from the Fed's most recent meeting indicated that policy makers are prepared to raise interest rates several more times in the coming months in order to stave off concerns about inflation. Four Stocks to Watch Today: BLK, FB, DAL Shares of BlackRock Inc. (NYSE: BLK) are on the move after the company reported earnings before the bell. The firm reported earnings per share (EPS) of $6.70. Analysts projected the firm would report EPS of $6.45 on top of $3.28 billion in revenue. The firm topped revenue expectations. The firm noted that an increase in its consulting fees and the recent tax reform bill helped bolster its profitability by 27%. The stock of Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB) has climbed more than 6% since Tuesday. Investors cheered the testimony of CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who appeared before Congress for two days to discuss his company's privacy policies. The CEO and his firm have been under intense scrutiny since news broke that 87 million user accounts had been accessed without permission by consulting firm Cambridge Analytica during the 2016 election season. The firm had ties to President Trump's campaign. Delta Air Lines Inc. (NYSE: DAL) reported ea
  • [By Shane Hupp]

    Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on Shaw Communications (SJR)

    For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit

  • [By Shane Hupp]

    Shaw Communications (TSE:SJR.B) (NYSE:SJR) had its price objective boosted by analysts at National Bank Financial from C$28.00 to C$29.00 in a report issued on Wednesday. The firm currently has a “sector perform” rating on the stock. National Bank Financial’s price target would suggest a potential upside of 4.50% from the company’s current price.

Top Casino Stocks To Buy For 2019: Gulfport Energy Corporation(GPOR)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Logan Wallace]

    Gulfport Energy Co. (NASDAQ:GPOR) – Stock analysts at Seaport Global Securities upped their Q3 2018 earnings per share estimates for Gulfport Energy in a research note issued on Wednesday, May 23rd. Seaport Global Securities analyst M. Kelly now expects that the oil and gas producer will post earnings of $0.33 per share for the quarter, up from their prior estimate of $0.22. Seaport Global Securities also issued estimates for Gulfport Energy’s Q4 2018 earnings at $0.43 EPS, FY2018 earnings at $1.63 EPS, Q2 2019 earnings at $0.28 EPS, Q3 2019 earnings at $0.28 EPS, Q4 2019 earnings at $0.35 EPS and FY2019 earnings at $1.22 EPS.

  • [By Paul Ausick]

    Gulfport Energy Corp. (NASDAQ: GPOR) traded down about 10% Tuesday and posted a new 52-week low of $10.90 after closing Monday at $12.12. The stock’s 52-week high is $9.75. Volume was over 12 million, nearly four times the daily average of about 3.4million shares. The company had no specific news announced its capital budget and a stock repurchase program after markets closed Monday.

  • [By Logan Wallace]

    Great Portland Estates (LON: GPOR) has recently received a number of price target changes and ratings updates:

    2/19/2019 – Great Portland Estates had its “hold” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Liberum Capital. 2/13/2019 – Great Portland Estates had its price target raised by analysts at Morgan Stanley from GBX 690 ($9.02) to GBX 700 ($9.15). They now have an “underweight” rating on the stock. 2/13/2019 – Great Portland Estates is now covered by analysts at Berenberg Bank. They set a “sell” rating and a GBX 600 ($7.84) price target on the stock. 2/8/2019 – Great Portland Estates had its “hold” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Liberum Capital. 2/6/2019 – Great Portland Estates had its “hold” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Peel Hunt. 1/25/2019 – Great Portland Estates was downgraded by analysts at Citigroup Inc to a “sell” rating. They now have a GBX 592 ($7.74) price target on the stock, down previously from GBX 691 ($9.03). 1/25/2019 – Great Portland Estates had its price target lowered by analysts at Goldman Sachs Group Inc from GBX 662 ($8.65) to GBX 633 ($8.27). They now have a “neutral” rating on the stock. 1/23/2019 – Great Portland Estates had its “hold” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Peel Hunt. 1/23/2019 – Great Portland Estates had its “hold” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Liberum Capital. 1/9/2019 – Great Portland Estates had its “hold” rating reaffirmed by analysts at Liberum Capital.

    Great Portland Estates stock opened at GBX 727.60 ($9.51) on Wednesday. Great Portland Estates PLC has a twelve month low of GBX 582 ($7.60) and a twelve month high of GBX 702 ($9.17).

  • [By Dan Caplinger]

    Wall Street enjoyed a positive session on Monday, with highlights including strong gains for most major benchmarks. Investors found it easier to be optimistic about the prospects for continued economic growth than to be pessimistic about the potential negative outcomes of recent trade disputes between the U.S. and key allies. Even so, some companies had to deal with bad news that hurt them disproportionately and sent their shares lower. Canadian Solar (NASDAQ:CSIQ), Nektar Therapeutics (NASDAQ:NKTR), and Gulfport Energy (NASDAQ:GPOR) were among the worst performers on the day. Here's why they did so poorly.

  • [By Max Byerly]

    Gulfport Energy Co. (NASDAQ:GPOR) – Research analysts at Seaport Global Securities raised their Q2 2019 earnings per share estimates for Gulfport Energy in a research report issued on Wednesday, June 20th. Seaport Global Securities analyst M. Kelly now anticipates that the oil and gas producer will post earnings of $0.33 per share for the quarter, up from their previous estimate of $0.28. Seaport Global Securities also issued estimates for Gulfport Energy’s Q3 2019 earnings at $0.32 EPS, Q4 2019 earnings at $0.36 EPS and FY2019 earnings at $1.30 EPS.

  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on Gulfport Energy (GPOR)

    For more information about research offerings from Zacks Investment Research, visit

Top Casino Stocks To Buy For 2019: GRAVITY Co. Ltd.(GRVY)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Cooper Creagan]

    For example, if you had taken five minutes to set up a Night Trade on Gravity Co. (Nasdaq: GRVY) in October, you could've tripled your money, and then some.

  • [By Max Byerly]

    ILLEGAL ACTIVITY WARNING: “Gravity (GRVY) Receives Coverage Optimism Score of 0.17” was first published by Ticker Report and is the sole property of of Ticker Report. If you are viewing this story on another publication, it was copied illegally and reposted in violation of U.S. & international trademark and copyright laws. The legal version of this story can be viewed at

  • [By Joseph Griffin]

    BidaskClub upgraded shares of Gravity (NASDAQ:GRVY) from a strong sell rating to a sell rating in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Sell VST Tillers Tractors; target of Rs 1250: ICICI Direct

ICICI Direct's research report on VST Tillers Tractors

VST Tillers & Tractors (VST) continued to report dismal numbers amid a fall in sales volume and muted EBITDA margin trajectory Power tiller volume in Q3FY19 was at 4,507 units, down 35.6% YoY while tractor volume was at 2,063 units, down 2.3% YoY Net sales in Q3FY19 came in at Rs 146.0 crore, down 11.9% YoY EBITDA for the quarter was at Rs 13.4 crore with consequent operating margins at 9.2%. Margins came in lower tracking higher other expenses amid controlled raw material & employee costs PAT in Q3FY19 came in at Rs 10.1 crore. Higher PAT was supported by higher other income, which came in at Rs 6.6 crore.


We build in a 310 bps decline in EBITDA margin in FY18-20E. We value VST at Rs 1250 i.e. 15.5x P/E on FY20E EPS of Rs 80.7 and maintain our SELL rating on the stock.

For all recommendations report, click here

Disclaimer: The views and investment tips expressed by investment experts/broking houses/rating agencies on are their own, and not that of the website or its management. advises users to check with certified experts before taking any investment decisions.

Read More First Published on Mar 22, 2019 03:08 pm

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Implied iShares Core S&P 500 ETF Analyst Target Price: $312

&l;p&g;&l;img class=&q;dam-image getty size-large wp-image-1135686048&q; src=&q;; data-height=&q;640&q; data-width=&q;960&q;&g; Getty

Looking at the underlying holdings of the ETFs in our coverage universe at &l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;ETF Channel&l;/a&g;, we have compared the trading price of each holding against the average analyst 12-month forward target price, and computed the weighted average implied analyst target price for the ETF itself.&a;nbsp; For the iShares Core S&a;amp;P 500 ETF, we found that the implied analyst target price for the ETF based upon its underlying holdings is $311.96 per unit.

With IVV trading at a recent price near $284.33 per unit, that means that analysts see 9.72% upside for this ETF looking through to the average analyst targets of the underlying holdings. Three of IVV&s;s underlying holdings with notable upside to their analyst target prices are Marathon Petroleum, Take-Two Interactive Software and ABIOMED. Although MPC has traded at a recent price of $60.45/share, the average analyst target is 57.45% higher at $95.18/share. Similarly, TTWO has 38.38% upside from the recent share price of $93.55 if the average analyst target price of $129.45/share is reached, and analysts on average are expecting ABMD to reach a target price of $442.29/share, which is 32.73% above the recent price of $333.23.

Below is a summary table of the current analyst target prices discussed above:


&l;/p&g;&l;div class=&q;table-wrapper&q;&g;&l;table class=&q;hctblstyle&q; border=&q;0&q; cellspacing=&q;0&q; cellpadding=&q;0&q;&g;&l;tbody&g;&l;tr&g;&l;th&g;Name&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;center&q;&g;Symbol&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;Recent Price&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;Avg. Analyst 12-Mo. Target&l;/th&g; &l;th align=&q;right&q;&g;% Upside to Target&l;/th&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td&g;&l;b&g;iShares Core S&a;amp;P 500 ETF&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;&l;b&g;IVV&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;$284.33&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;$311.96&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;&l;b&g;9.72%&l;/b&g;&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td&g;Marathon Petroleum Corp.&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;MPC&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$60.45&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$95.18&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;57.45%&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td&g;Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;TTWO&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$93.55&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$129.45&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;38.38%&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;tr&g;&l;td&g;ABIOMED, Inc.&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;center&q;&g;ABMD&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$333.23&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;$442.29&l;/td&g; &l;td align=&q;right&q;&g;32.73%&l;/td&g; &l;/tr&g;&l;/tbody&g;&l;/table&g;&l;/div&g;

Are analysts justified in these targets, or overly optimistic about where these stocks will be trading 12 months from now? Do the analysts have a valid justification for their targets, or are they behind the curve on recent company and industry developments? A high price target relative to a stock&s;s trading price can reflect optimism about the future, but can also be a precursor to target price downgrades if the targets were a relic of the past. These are questions that require further investor research.

&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;Click here to find out 10 ETFs With Most Upside To Analyst Targets &a;raquo;&l;/a&g;

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Stocks in the news: RBL Bank, V-Guard, Bata, NBCC, Lupin, Kesoram, DHFL, Zuari Global

Here are stocks that are in the news today:

Lumax Auto Technologies: Company decided for discontinuation of the PCB manufacturing w.e.f. April 1, 2019. In addition, the board has also approved the disposal of plant and machinery to Lumax Industries relating to PCB Business on arm's length basis and not below its book value.

Jaiprakash Associates: Board approved the re-appointment of Manoj Gaur, Executive Chairman & CEO and Sunil Kumar Sharma, Executive Vice Chairman for a further term of three years.

Future Consumer: Company announced redemption of non-convertible debentures.

related news Stocks in the news: Infosys, RIL, Chalet Hotels, Jubilant Foodworks, Strides Pharma, CMI, Tide Water Stocks in the news: Lupin, HCL Tech, Wipro, Essel Propack, Unichem Labs, Deep Industries Stocks in the news: NMDC, Raymond, Advanced Enzyme, Avenue Supermarts, Keerthi

Mindtree to consider proposal of buyback on March 20

Karnataka Bank: The bank partners with Karvy DigKonnect for contact centre services.

Kesoram Industries: The company's rating pertaining to that portion of its long term/short term banking facilities as been assigned to CARE Ratings Limited for rating has been revised to BB+/ A4+ (under credit watch with developing implications).

Majesco: Board approved to sell, transfer and dispose of, as a going concern and on a slump sale basis, the company's India Insurance Products & Services Business to Majesco Software and Solutions India Private Limited, a step-down subsidiary of the company, for a lump sum consideration of Rs 24.4 crore.

Mishra Dhatu Nigam: Board declared payment of Rs 1.68 per share as the first interim dividend on equity shares for the financial year 2018-19 and fixed March 26 as the record date for dividend payment.

SAIL: CARE has assigned AA- outlook stable to company's long term fund based facility (term loan).

Bandhan Bank/Gruh Finance received No Objection from the RBI for the amalgamation of GRUH Finance into and with Bandhan Bank

Indostar Capital approved NCD worth Rs 15 crore on private placement basis

Indo Amines: 'No observation' letter has been received from BSE for proposed amalgamation amongst Core Chemical (Mumbai) Private Limited and Key Organics Private Limited with Indo Amines Limited, so as to enable the company to file the scheme with NCLT.

DHFL: Special Committee of the board of directors accorded approval to disinvest to Olive Vine Investment Limited an affiliate of the Warburg Pincus Group.

Santosh Sharma (currently the CFO) will assume a new role as the Head - Corporate Strategy.

India Ratings & Research revised rating on long term bank loans of Religare Enterprises to IND B+/RWN from IND BB/RWN, while on short term bank loan rating revised from IND A4+/RWN to IND A4/RWN

Lupin: Subsidiary Novel Laboratories Inc. has received a letter from the USFDA classifying the inspection conducted at its Somerset (New Jersey) facility in December 2018 as Official Action Indicated (OAI). The US FDA has stated that this facility may be subject to regulatory or administrative action and that it may withhold approval of any pending applications or supplements in which this facility is listed.

Prakash Industries - National Law Company Law Tribunal sanctioned the demerger scheme of company's business of PVC Pipes & Fittings and Flexible Packaging into Prakash Pipes

Cadila Healthcare: Zydus receives final approval from the USFDA for Valsartan and Hydrochlorothiazide tablets.

Mirc Electronics: Vishal Barot has resigned as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the company due to personal reasons.

Zuari Global: Company has acquired around 48.98 percent shares of Forte Furniture Products India Private Limited (FFPL) from Indian Furniture Products Limited (IFPL), subsidiary of the company.

HUDCO further raised funds of Rs 5320 crore through Issue of Government of India Fully Serviced, Unsecured, Taxable HUDCO Bonds Series V-2018

Vodafone Idea board meet on March 20 to consider, discuss and decide, various matters in connection with the rights issue

India rating & research downgrades rating on NCD to IND A+ with rating watch negative (RWN)

Jubilant Foodworks - Domino's Pizza officially launched in Bangladesh

Out of F&O Ban: BEML, Reliance Power.

Bulk Deals on March 15

Image1516032019(For more bulk deals, click here)

Analyst or Board Meet/Briefings

EID Parry India: Board meeting will be held on March 22 to consider the second interim dividend on equity shares, if any, for the financial year 2018-19.

Finolex Industries: Company's officials will meet investors/analysts on March 18.

PSP Projects: Company's officials will meet analyst/institutional investors on March 18 and 25.

Emmbi Industries: Company's officials will meet Moneybee Investment Advisors on March 18.

Deep Industries: Officials of the company will be meeting investors and analysts on March 19.

Jindal Steel & Power: Analysts and Investors visit to Angul plant is scheduled on March 18.

South Indian Bank: Officials of the bank will be meeting a group of institutional investors organised by SBI Caps Securities on March 19.

  First Published on Mar 18, 2019 07:43 am

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Should you give up privacy for cheaper car…

Michael Aminov-Tobin almost forgot a car insurance company was tracking his driving. He wasn't paying extra attention to how fast he drove or how hard he hit his brakes. So he was astonished when the company offered to insure his 2016 Hyundai Veloster Turbo for $100 a month less than he'd been paying.

"When it popped up with the price that it did, I was like, 'Holy crap, that's awesome!'" says Aminov-Tobin, 25, who operates a video production firm from his home near Columbus, Ohio.

He benefited from a growing trend known as usage-based insurance, or UBI, in which auto insurance companies electronically monitor a customer's driving and offer discounts in exchange.

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Such programs can be a great deal for careful drivers and low-mileage users, but they also present significant privacy concerns, experts say. Before agreeing to be monitored, drivers should understand the risks and ask the right questions.

"The data is so rich," says Ting Zhu, an associate professor for Purdue University's Krannert School of Management who studies UBI. "They know exactly where you go and when you go."

Keys sit on a car insurance policy. (Photo: The Motley Fool)

The draw for drivers

Letting people prove they're safe drivers makes auto insurance pricing more fair, advocates say.

Traditional car insurance rates are based on your driving record, plus demographic factors like age, location and marital status. While usage-based policies still consider these factors, they base part of the rate on your driving behavior using telematics technology. Data are typically gathered via a plug-in device for your car's diagnostic port or a smartphone app.

"Good drivers should pay less," says Robert Hunter, director of insurance for the Consumer Federation of America. "How you drive, and not who you are, should determine your rate."

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Discounts can be significant for good drivers. With Nationwide's SmartRide, discounts can reach 40 percent, says David Arango, senior vice president of personal lines, which include auto and home. At Root Insurance, the startup that insures Aminov-Tobin, the best drivers can cut their rates nearly in half, says CEO Alex Timm. At both companies, the executives say, typical savings are around 20 percent.

Low-mileage drivers can benefit, too. Evan Makovsky, 42, of Hoboken, New Jersey, estimates he saved $1,000 a year by switching to Metromile, which charges a monthly base rate plus a per-mile rate. Makovsky drives his 2009 Volkswagen Passat mostly on weekends.

But rates aren't always better with usage-based insurance. For instance, if you change jobs and have a longer commute, a pay-per-mile policy could become costly. And with Progressive's Snapshot program, which monitors how you drive, rates go up for about 20 percent of drivers, according to the insurer. Bad drivers won't pay extra at Nationwide, Arango says, but they can lose their initial discount.

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To determine the 25 Cars with the highest insuranceTo determine the 25 Cars with the highest insurance costs, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed data on insurance claim payments made by insurers by make and model, provided by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a nonprofit research organization funded by auto insurers. The costs include six types of insurance: collision, property damage, comprehensive, personal injury, medical payment, and bodily injury. The model that is most expensive to insure had the highest overall average cost to the insurer per year. These data are for 575 vehicles of 2014-2016 model years sold in the United States. No. 25 is the Kia Forte: Annual average insurance paid: $1,155.82; Annual collision insurance paid: $425.10; Type: Small four-door; Retail price:$16,800. Bruce Benedict, KIAFullscreen24. Mercedes-Benz C class four-door 2WD 
Annual average24. Mercedes-Benz C class four-door 2WD: 
Annual average insurance paid: $1,157.34; 
Annual collision insurance paid: $608.40; 
Type: Midsize luxury; 
Retail price:$40,250. Mercedes-BenzFullscreen23. Nissan Versa 
Annual average insurance paid: $1,157.59
23. Nissan Versa: 
Annual average insurance paid:$1,157.59; Annual collision insurance paid:$444.60
; Type:Small four-door;
 Retail price:$12,110. NissanFullscreen22. Nissan Sentra
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,165.05
22. Nissan Sentra:
 Annual average insurance paid:$1,165.05;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$471.90;
 Type: Small four-door;
 Retail price:$16,990. NissanFullscreen21. Lexus IS 350 four-door 2WD
 Annual average insurance21. Lexus IS 350 four-door 2WD:
 Annual average insurance paid:$1,167.11
; Annual collision insurance paid:$627.90;
 Type:Midsize luxury
; Retail price:$38,210. ToyotaFullscreen20. Audi A4 four-door 2WD
 Annual average insurance20. Audi A4 four-door 2WD:
 Annual average insurance paid:$1,169.13;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$666.90;
 Type:Midsize luxury
; Retail price:$36,000. AUDI AGFullscreen19. Land Rover Range Rover Sport four-door 4WD
 Annual19. Land Rover Range Rover Sport four-door 4WD:
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,173.05;
 Annual collision insurance paid: $631.80
; Type: Midsize luxury; SUV
 Retail price:$66,750. Land RoverFullscreen18. Infiniti Q50 four-door 4WD
 Annual average insurance18. Infiniti Q50 four-door 4WD:
 Annual average insurance paid:$1,182.32;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$612.30;
 Type:Midsize luxury;
 Retail price:$66,750. InfinitiFullscreen17. Dodge Dart
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,187.55
17. Dodge Dart
: Annual average insurance paid:$1,187.55
; Annual collision insurance paid:$468.00;
 Type:Small four-door
; Retail price:$16,995. FCAFullscreen16. Kia Rio
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,191.26
16. Kia Rio: Annual average insurance paid:$1,191.26;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$413.40;
 Type:Mini four-door;
 Retail price:$13,900. KiaFullscreen15. Nissan Maxima
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,237.68
15. Nissan Maxima: Annual average insurance paid:$1,237.68
; Annual collision insurance paid:$596.70;
 Type:Midsize four-door;
 Retail price:$33,270. NissanFullscreen14. Scion tC
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,237.74
14. Scion tC:
 Annual average insurance paid:$1,237.74;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$518.70;
 Type:Small two-door;
 Retail price:$19,385. Robert Deutsch, USA TODAYFullscreen13. Chrysler 200 2WD
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,261.87
13. Chrysler 200 2WD
: Annual average insurance paid:$1,261.87
; Annual collision insurance paid:$471.90;
 Type:Midsize four-door;
 Retail price:$22,115. ChryslerFullscreen12. Scion iA
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,274.51
12. Scion iA: Annual average insurance paid:$1,274.51;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$530.40;
 Type:Mini four-door;
 Retail price:$15,700. David Dewhurst PhotographyFullscreen11. Ford Mustang two-door
 Annual average insurance11. Ford Mustang two-door
: Annual average insurance paid:$1,291.53;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$686.40
; Type:Midsize sports cars;
 Retail price:$25,680. FordFullscreen10. Lexus GS 350 four-door 2WD
 Annual average insurance10. Lexus GS 350 four-door 2WD
: Annual average insurance paid:$1,295.44;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$705.90;
 Type:Large luxury
; Retail price:$46,310. LexusFullscreen9. BMW 4 series two-door 2WD
 Annual average insurance9. BMW 4 series two-door 2WD:
 Annual average insurance paid:$1,306.51;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$659.10;
 Type:Midsize luxury;
 Retail price:$43,300. TONY DING, APFullscreen8. Audi A7 four-door 4WD
 Annual average insurance8. Audi A7 four-door 4WD:
 Annual average insurance paid:$1,322.51; Annual collision insurance paid:$830.70;
 Type:Large luxury
; Retail price:$69,700. AUDI AGFullscreen7. Dodge Challenger
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,335.79
7. Dodge Challenger
: Annual average insurance paid:$1,335.79; Annual collision insurance paid:$627.90;
 Type:Large two-door
; Retail price:$27,295. ChryslerFullscreen6. Kia Optima hybrid
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,355.13
6. Kia Optima hybrid:
 Annual average insurance paid:$1,355.13
; Annual collision insurance paid:$592.80;
 Type:Midsize four-door
; Retail price:$25,995. KIAFullscreen5. Dodge Charger 2WD
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,385.61
5. Dodge Charger 2WD
: Annual average insurance paid:$1,385.61;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$569.40;
 Type:Large four-door;
 Retail price:$28,995. ChryslerFullscreen4. Scion FR-S
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,403.67
4. Scion FR-S
: Annual average insurance paid:$1,403.67
; Annual collision insurance paid:$752.70;
 Type:Small two-door
; Retail price:$25,305. ScionFullscreen3. Mitsubishi Lancer 2WD
 Annual average insurance3. Mitsubishi Lancer 2WD:
 Annual average insurance paid:$1,458.48;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$561.60
; Type:Small four-door
; Retail price:$17,79. MitsubishiFullscreen2. Mercedes-Benz S class four-door LWB 2WD
 Annual2. Mercedes-Benz S class four-door LWB 2WD:
 Annual average insurance paid:$1,540.63;
 Annual collision insurance paid:$803.40;
 Type:Large luxury
; Retail price:$89,900. Mercedes-BenzFullscreen1. Tesla Model S four-door electric 4WD
 Annual average1. Tesla Model S four-door electric 4WD: Annual average insurance paid: $1,789.48
; Annual collision insurance paid: $1310.40; Type: Large luxury
; Retail price: $74,500.   TeslaFullscreenInterested in this topic? You may also want to view these photo galleries:ReplayTo determine the 25 Cars with the highest insurance1 of 2524. Mercedes-Benz C class four-door 2WD 
Annual average2 of 2523. Nissan Versa 
Annual average insurance paid: $1,157.59
3 of 2522. Nissan Sentra
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,165.05
4 of 2521. Lexus IS 350 four-door 2WD
 Annual average insurance5 of 2520. Audi A4 four-door 2WD
 Annual average insurance6 of 2519. Land Rover Range Rover Sport four-door 4WD
 Annual7 of 2518. Infiniti Q50 four-door 4WD
 Annual average insurance8 of 2517. Dodge Dart
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,187.55
9 of 2516. Kia Rio
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,191.26
10 of 2515. Nissan Maxima
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,237.68
11 of 2514. Scion tC
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,237.74
12 of 2513. Chrysler 200 2WD
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,261.87
13 of 2512. Scion iA
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,274.51
14 of 2511. Ford Mustang two-door
 Annual average insurance15 of 2510. Lexus GS 350 four-door 2WD
 Annual average insurance16 of 259. BMW 4 series two-door 2WD
 Annual average insurance17 of 258. Audi A7 four-door 4WD
 Annual average insurance18 of 257. Dodge Challenger
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,335.79
19 of 256. Kia Optima hybrid
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,355.13
20 of 255. Dodge Charger 2WD
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,385.61
21 of 254. Scion FR-S
 Annual average insurance paid: $1,403.67
22 of 253. Mitsubishi Lancer 2WD
 Annual average insurance23 of 252. Mercedes-Benz S class four-door LWB 2WD
 Annual24 of 251. Tesla Model S four-door electric 4WD
 Annual average25 of 25AutoplayShow ThumbnailsShow CaptionsLast SlideNext SlideData privacy concerns

Whether the price break is worth the privacy you relinquish by having your driving monitored depends on how you view the risks.

Aminov-Tobin wasn't concerned: "If you want the best rates, I guess you have to sacrifice a little," he says.

But privacy expert Jen King fears drivers may sacrifice more than they realize.

"Where you go every day can tell people a lot about what you're interested in, where you live, who you're associating with," says King, director of consumer privacy for the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School.

Even if the information isn't sold, she says, it might be used in ways the driver didn't anticipate.

A data breach is another danger, says Purdue's Zhu. She points to the 2013 Target breach in which cyberattackers stole the personal information of millions of customers. Zhu says her research found that after the breach, drivers were more likely to drop usage-based auto insurance.

Nevertheless, UBI seems to be gaining traction. A J.D. Power study showed 10 percent of insurance customers used such programs in 2018, up from 8 percent the previous two years. Though the policies aren't universally available, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners estimates 7 in 10 auto insurers will use monitoring technology by next year.

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25. Toyota SequoiaÊfour-door 4WD Annual average insuranceTo determine the 25 Cars with the lowest insurance costs, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed data on insurance claim payments made by insurers by make and model, provided by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a nonprofit research organization funded by auto insurers. The costs include six types of insurance: collision, property damage, comprehensive, personal injury, medical payment, and bodily injury. The model that is most expensive to insure had the highest overall average cost to the insurer per year. These data are for 575 vehicles of 2014-2016 model years sold in the United States. Average annual insurance payments account for both the frequency of accidents, as well as the average payment made, by model. No.25. Toyota Sequoia four-door 4WD: Annual average insurance paid: $719.60; Annual collision insurance paid: $319.80; Type: Large SUV; Retail price: $48,400. Toyota, ToyotaFullscreen24. Chevrolet Traverse four-door 4WD Annual average24. Chevrolet Traverse four-door 4WD: Annual average insurance paid: $716.68; Annual collision insurance paid: $284.70; Type: Large SUV; Retail price: $47,500. Jim Frenak-FPI StudiosFullscreen23. GMC Acadia four-door 2WD Annual average insurance23. GMC Acadia four-door 2WD: Annual average insurance paid: $712.83; Annual collision insurance paid: $304.20; Type: Large SUV; Retail price: $29,000. Jim Haefner, General Motors, via APFullscreen22. Ford Edge four-door 2WD Annual average insurance22. Ford Edge four-door 2WD: Annual average insurance paid: $693.74; Annual collision insurance paid: $304.20; Type: Midsize SUV; Retail price: $29,315. Mandi Wright, Detroit Free PressFullscreen21. Ford F-150 SuperCab 4WD Annual average insurance21. Ford F-150 SuperCab 4WD: Annual average insurance paid: $690.91; Annual collision insurance paid: $273.00; Type: Large pickup; Retail price: $27,705. Steve Petrovich, Detroit Free PressFullscreen20. Toyota 4Runner four-door 4WD Annual average insurance20. Toyota 4Runner four-door 4WD: Annual average insurance paid: $688.12; Annual collision insurance paid: $292.50; Type: Midsize SUV; Retail price: $34,610. David Dewhurst, ToyotaFullscreen19. Ford F-250 SuperCab 4WD Annual average insurance19. Ford F-250 SuperCab 4WD: Annual average insurance paid: $684.51; Annual collision insurance paid: $249.60; Type: Large pickup; Retail price: $33,150. Ford Motor Co.Fullscreen18. Subaru XV CrosstrekÊ4WD with Eyesight Annual average18. Subaru XV Crosstrek 4WD with Eyesight: Annual average insurance paid: $680.94; Annual collision insurance paid: $288.60; Type: Small station wagons/minivans; Retail price: $21,595. Frederic J. Brown, AFP/Getty ImagesFullscreen17. Mini Countryman 4WD Annual average insurance paid:Ê$680.9417. Mini Countryman 4WD: Annual average insurance paid: $680.94; Annual collision insurance paid: $312.00; Type: Small station wagons/minivans; Retail price: $26,600. None, MiniFullscreen16. Honda Odyssey Annual average insurance paid:Ê$680.4016. Honda Odyssey: Annual average insurance paid: $680.40; Annual collision insurance paid: $296.40; Type: Large station wagons/minivans; Retail price: $29,990. Honda via APFullscreen15. Honda CR-V four-door 4WD Annual average insurance15. Honda CR-V four-door 4WD: Annual average insurance paid: $678.46; Annual collision insurance paid: $269.10; Type: Small SUV; Retail price: $24,250. HondaFullscreen14. Honda Pilot four-door 2WD Annual average insurance14. Honda Pilot four-door 2WD: Annual average insurance paid: $677.38; Annual collision insurance paid: $284.70; Type: Midsize SUV; Retail price: $30,900. Honda, HondaFullscreen13. Nissan Leaf electric Annual average insurance paid:Ê$675.0313. Nissan Leaf electric: Annual average insurance paid: $675.03; Annual collision insurance paid: $319.80; Type: Small four-door; Retail price: $29,990. NissanFullscreen12. Chevrolet Corvette convertible Annual average insurance12. Chevrolet Corvette convertible: Annual average insurance paid: $671.58; Annual collision insurance paid: $417.30; Type: Midsize sports cars; Retail price: $55,495. Alan VanderkaayFullscreen11. Subaru Legacy 4WD with Eyesight Annual average11. Subaru Legacy 4WD with Eyesight: Annual average insurance paid: $667.79; Annual collision insurance paid: $296.40; Type: Midsize four-door; Retail price:$22,195. Scott Olson, Getty ImagesFullscreen10. Volvo XC60 four-door 2WD Annual average insurance10. Volvo XC60 four-door 2WD: Annual average insurance paid: $665.28; Annual collision insurance paid: $315.90; Type: Midsize luxury SUV; Retail price: $41,500. Cyril Zingaro, APFullscreen9. Ford Expedition four-door 2WD Annual average insurance9. Ford Expedition four-door 2WD: Annual average insurance paid: $660.16; Annual collision insurance paid: $284.70; Type: Large SUV; Retail price: $51,790. Ford Motor Co.Fullscreen8. Acura MDX four-door 2WD Annual average insurance8. Acura MDX four-door 2WD: Annual average insurance paid: $660.06; Annual collision insurance paid: $280.80; Type: Midsize luxury SUV; Retail price: $44,200. AcuraFullscreen7. Mazda CX-5 four-door 2WD Annual average insurance7. Mazda CX-5 four-door 2WD: Annual average insurance paid: $649.78; Annual collision insurance paid: $245.70; Type: Small SUV; Retail price: $24,150. MazdaFullscreen6. Jeep Wrangler two-door SWB 4WD Annual average insurance6. Jeep Wrangler two-door SWB 4WD: Annual average insurance paid: $647.85; Annual collision insurance paid: $206.70; Type: Small SUV; Retail price: $23,995. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles via APFullscreen5. Subaru Forester four-door 4WD with Eyesight Annual5. Subaru Forester four-door 4WD with Eyesight: Annual average insurance paid: $645.85; Annual collision insurance paid: $273.00; Type: Small SUV; Retail price: $22,795. Uncredited, Subaru via APFullscreen4. GMC Canyon crew cab 4WD Annual average insurance4. GMC Canyon crew cab 4WD: Annual average insurance paid: $633.70; Annual collision insurance paid: $257.40; Type: Small pickup; Retail price: $21,100. Jim Fets, GMCFullscreen3. Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4WD Annual average insurance3. Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4WD: Annual average insurance paid: $620.47;; Annual collision insurance paid: $253.50; Type: Large pickup; Retail price: $28,300. GMFulls